Employee Spotlight: Meet FutureVault’s Jimmy Li

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Tell us a little bit about yourself and your professional background – what’s your “story”?

In 2006, when I was 8 years old, my parents and I immigrated to Canada from Beijing, China. Now, we proudly call Canada our home! I had always wanted to be an engineer (both my parents are software engineers), but I really did not enjoy or seriously consider software as a career until my second year in University.

FutureVault is the first company I’ve been at in a full-time software developer role. Before joining the team here in a full-time capacity, I worked at FutureVault as an intern as part of University Toronto’s PEY program, and also as a part-time consultant while finishing up my degree. After officially graduating from the University of Toronto with a Major in Computer Engineering in 2020, I joined FutureVault full-time, and have been enjoying my time here ever since!

What motivates you and keeps you “going”?

I love to code, and I love challenges! I also believe there is always something to be improved upon. So, as long as I am working on interesting projects that push my abilities, the motivation comes naturally!

What has it been like working at FutureVault?

Working at a start-up like FutureVault means every day is a little different, but always exciting! Whether it is working closely with other departments on projects, or interacting with clients directly, I am constantly learning and adapting to new situations. Insights gained from this, as well as occasional client feedback always provide me with a much deeper understanding of how the product is being used, and I try to apply this feedback and insight into my designs and implementations to continue building the best product for our clients.

What does your typical workday on the Technology team look like? Can you share what some of your top priorities are right now?

My typical workday involves a mixture of software development, fulfilling customer support requests, and occasional code reviews. I am the lead in FutureVault’s bulk upload automation and workflow, so a significant amount of my time is dedicated to maintaining and supervising the automated upload process in which documents are securely uploaded from our SFTP servers directly into the vaults of our end users. Currently, one of my top priorities is to refine the bulk upload process so that we can take it to the next level and provide our clients with more automation and efficiency when delivering documents.

Can you share one of your favorite experiences working here?

There are so many great experiences, but I would have to pick the many times, prior to COVID, when some of the dev team and I would go to have lunch at Kinton Ramen every Friday. It’s these little things, like sharing stories and laughs over hot bowls of delicious ramen that remind me why I love working here at FutureVault!

Last but not least, what excites you most about the future of our company?

The fact that so many of our customers choose to stay with us speaks a lot to the product, our services, and the passion of everyone at this company. Through the twists and turns of every year, FutureVault has kept growing, and I am excited to see which direction this, and the next years will take us!

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Toronto, ON, M5H 3Y9